Pregnant and breastfeeding women should both consider their own requirements and take additional foods for feeding of the fetus and milk formation. Therefore, proper diet in pregnant and breastfeeding women is critical for both woman and infant. Diet elements are transferred by placenta from mother to infant. Toxic compounds and drugs taken during pregnancy may cause any disorders in the infant. Diet deficits (protein, riboflavin, folic acid, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B, vitamin A, vitamin C, etc.) also cause congenital anomaly in infants. Diet deficits occurred during pregnancy affect life of the infant adversely while the infant is in the mother’s womb and after birth. Myopic risk is observe frequently in the infants of the mothers with low vitamin A. Congenital disorders are observed in the infants of the mothers with low folic acid. Irregularities in haemoglobin levels cause in kid development. Excessive iron causes any problems in pregnancy as well as iron deficiency, because zinc ratio reduces in iron loading.
Diet deficit during pregnancy has negative effects on the mother as well as it may affect. In women, who eat insufficiently, anemia, low calcium, dental caries, etc. occur. In first quarter of the pregnancy, vomiting and nausea occur due to inconformity between a mother and a fetus. In this period, the mother should eat solid foods in small amounts and overcome this period. During pregnancy, the mother may gain a weight of 9 to 20 kg. Energy of 80,000 calories (335 MS) totally is required for development of the fetus during pregnancy. Half of this is used for energy stored in fat reservoir and required for breastfeeding after birth.
In last periods of the pregnancy, protein requirement of the fetus increases. It is assumed that up to 925 g protein is stored in the fetus during total pregnancy. Iron requirement should be determined. 540 mg iron is required for development of the fetus. Daily 15-20 mg id advised. Calcium is also added during pregnancy. 30 g calcium is required for regular development of the fetus. A woman, who eats regularly, generates averagely 800 ml milk every day. This ratio reduces in women, who give birth frequently and have a diet deficit. Fatty tissue formed during pregnancy disappears in the breast feeding period. If mothers never gain weight during pregnancy, they lose weight after birth. Number of meals is increased to eliminate any adaptation trouble and its amount is reduced in early periods of the pregnancy. Dairy products such as yogurt, rice pudding, etc. are consumed frequently. Meals are prepared optionally. Attention should be paid not to eat salt and oily. Furthermore, drug, alcohol and smoking should be avoided during pregnancy. Tea and coffee more than 1 or 2 glasses should not be drunk. If possible, tea and coffee should never be drunk. Caffeine contained in tea, coffee and cola may affect infants adversely both during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Instead, is shall be suitable to drink juices, which increase iron absorption.