In Classic Chinese medicine, the human being is accepted as part of the living universe, it is thought that the universal power existing in everything is also available in the human’s soul. This energy called "Chi" circulates in the canals called "meridian" in human body. With the Acupuncture method having a background of 5,000 years, it is aimed at providing and thus preventing the disease, eliminating prevention of energy circulation occurred in these canals.
Human body has a high recovery power.
There are individual stimulation points activating this power in our body, and they are called "acupuncture points." These points are stimulated by acupuncture needles and energy circulation is restored to normal condition in our body, and thus disease condition is eliminated. Therefore, disease is treated spontaneously without need to drug therapy for organism. It is a therapy method used to identity any reason of the disease, but not any symptoms.
Analgesic effect, immune and stimulator effect, psychological effect, affirmative effect against motor functions, haemostatic effect, neurological and humoral effect
Diseases Treated By Acupuncture (WHO):
Respiratory Tract Diseases: Asthma, bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsilitis, cold
Digestive System Diseases: Aphta - Toothache, gingivitis, esophagus and cardiac spasm, gastritis, ulcer, constipation, diarrhea, colitis
Urologic-Genital Ststem Diseases:Enuresis nocturna, cystitis, menstrual irregularity, dysmenorrhea, infertility
Endocrine Diseases: Struma, diabetes
Skin Diseases: Achne, psoriasis, shingles and sequelae, vitiligo, urticaria, eczama
Neurologic Diseases: Migraine and other headaches, fascial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia, dupuytren's contracture, muscular diseases, cerebral palsy, miniere disease
Psychiatric Diseases: Stress - Depression, sleep disorders, psychosomatic diseases, sdtuggering, teaks
Cardiovascular Diseases: Tachycardia, arrhythmia, hypertension, hypotension
Rheumatismal Diseases: Rheumatoid Arthritis - Behcet - Lupus - Raynaud disease - Tennis elbow - Arthritis (calcification) - Neck, waist and knee pains
Others: Allergies, chronic fatigue, hand-foot burns, excessive sweating, cellulite, obesity, smoking, alcoholism
It is contraindicative in acute inflammatory cases, on very hungry or very full patients, in lymphadema cases, on first days, preferably all, of the menstruation, in first three months of the pregnancy, on people taking alcohol, in aneurismal casers, in tumors and non-diagnosed masses, on unhealed wounds, on newly healed wounds and scars, in skin diseases, in warts, carbuncles and areas around septic conditions, in areas losing the tactile sense, on diabetic patients prone to breeding, during radio-therapeutic and chemotherapeutic applications, on patients subject to hormone therapy and cortisone therapy, in varicose veins, in phlebitis or thrombosis cases, on patients with pacemakers, during two months after therapy in a thermal spring, in cancerous cases, in systemic cases (norbus addison, erythematous, lupus, etc.), in ulcus perforating, in acute abdomen, and in lymphatic swellings in elephantiasis arms and feet.