Detox Anti-Aging
Consider your body as a continuously running plant. While this plant operates permanently in one side, byproducts and wastes generate in the other side. If your plant has no team to collect these wastes and to repair old and worn areas, your plant is worn, wastes accumulate and finally any malfunctions and standstills occur. Your plant wears down quickly and finally stops. Your body is also the same. While you conduct daily jobs, digest your food and struggle against diseases, waste products, that is, free radicals generate. Antioxidants are in charge to struggle against them. At this point, the facts that everything in the present life become mechanical; fast food type nutrition and pollution increase; and foods consumed by us are hormonal and artificial, and such antioxidant struggle prevent us from establishing a team sufficiently. When there are not sufficient antioxidants to struggle against free radicals in our body, free radicals begin to capture our body, and thus cause chronic fatigues, quickly aging and any diseases.
In Detox schedules, principal purpose is to take you away from toxins during the schedule, to charge you with a plenty of antioxidants, and to discharge toxins accumulated from time to time in your body. We want to struggle against free radicals in your body and to overcome them, to detoxify you and to enable you to become more vigorous and healthier.