Colon Therapy:
It is a method used to clean the large intestine. The large intestine is treated and sterilized by a hydrotherapy device, and then cleaned with water under partial pressure and by applying a special massage practice at a temperature near the body temperature.
The large intestines have a highly number of functions. Foods passing through stomach and small intestine passages are subject finally to procedure in colon. Any agents that are necessary for body and emerging while the foods in these passages are consumed by bacteria and fungi called “normal intestine flora” are absorbed and mixed with blood. In chronic constipation and in case that the intestines never function well, any residues accumulate in the colon walls. These residues called “wolves” adhere to the colon walls, deform the structure of the colon wall and cause the relevant flora to be modified with pathogens. This causes generation and mixture of toxins with blood except necessary agents for body.
This case causes poisoning of our body most frequently and also causes the intestines not to function well and accumulation of toxins in blood. The colon hydrotherapy eliminates wolves in bodies and drains any toxin formation. It is possible to clean the intestines by applying serum and different substances as well as water.
Whom the Colon Hydrotherapy is applied to:
Whom the Colon Hydrotherapy is not applied to
AThis application is not conducted in aneurism, especially in abdomen area, in anemia and acute enteritis, in abdominal hernia, in new post-operative fissures and fistules, in inflammatory hemorrhoids, after 3rd month of the pregnancy, in cardiac dysfunction, and on cirrhotic patients.