DNA located in the cell forming smolest unit of the human is actually nothing short of a structure that ensures a data flow. It communicates the life information from Levh-i mahfuz to the body and the body is formed accordingly. Sometimes any closes and reading disorders happened from time to time in DNAs may never ensure that information is communicare sufficiently to the body.
(These disorders may depend on any disorders in the energy body, energy canals and exterior body.) Accordingly, any dysfunctions occur and some chronic disorders such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. in the body. It may transfer these DNA structures with closed top side and unreadable data to generations.
But, remember that we transfer neither high blood pressure nor diabetes to other generation. We only transfer the reading disorder in the DNA. Any reading disorders in DNAs may be treated by a systematic and mental therapy and regular data flow may be ensured. This brings about cure. If we never consider the body as a whole (energy body, exterior body, energy canals), but also evaluate it as an exterior body, it is possible for us to understand and solve this.