The homeopath is a rehabilitation system and is based on "identical one is identical" therapy principle. The word “Homeopathy” is derived the words “homoion” (similar) and “pathos” (suffering). The homeopath was established and developed first by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a physician, chemist and pharmacist. As a result of his researches and observations continuing for long years, Dr. S. Hahnemann (1755-1843) concludes that ''The fact that a healthy person takes possibly highest dose of natural drug, and any disease symptoms caused by this event, and characteristics of the taken agents are identical.
Hahnemann conducted hundreds of experiments and tried most of them on him for 50 years. Hahnemann used herbal, animal and mineral drugs. Dilutions and globules of them are made between D1 and D30 doses. Today, homeopathic drugs are made from herbal, animal and mineral drugs over 2000.
Likes are cured by likes principle:
We give the coffee as an example. The coffee causes heart beat and insomnia. A disease that causes heart beat and insomnia may be treated by a high liquefied formula of the coffee. So, while the person cuts an onion for making a food, his/her eyes stream and he/she has a runny nose.
With tincture obtained by him from a balsam shell in 1790, Hahnemann conducted any therapy trials on him. The balsam tincture was used against malaria in that date. It is determined that the balsam tincture causes and diseases exactly as in malaria in experiments conducted by Hahnemann on him.
Anamnesis (medical history):
He applies a highly wide range of anamnesis on a Homeopathy patient (homeopathy specialist), and thus a certain result is obtained on the patient. With question in the anamnesis, any information about eating habits, psychological condition, relationship, fears and sleeping mode of the patient is obtained. Thus, condition of the patient is known and the patient is treated by a proper homeopathic tincture. Such anamnesis may usually take 1 to 2 hours.
Selecting a proper tincture is a fairly difficult procedure. Tincture of each herbal drug has a specific character. Symptoms of the patient and characteristics of the drug are reviewed and a proper tincture is selected. It is not sufficient only to select a proper tincture, but also it is necessary to know well to attenuate (to dilute and reinforce.)
Homeopathic drug affects condition (symptoms) of the patient a little bit. It is necessary to attenuate (to dilute, liquefy and reinforce) the drug absolutely for purpose of activating the immune system. Otherwise, it is not possible to obtain any desired effect. Many natural drugs are toxic, and if it is taken without attenuating, it may cause poisoning.
In researches conducted by Hahnemann, it is determined that the more a drug is attenuated, the more its effect increases. It is also called “becoming dynamic.” Attenuation drops contain alcohol and pills contain lactose. First, primary drug (primary agent) is obtained and attenuated by this alcohol or lactose. For example, sting poison is obtained first and part of it is mixed by the alcohol grade 9, shaken thoroughly and the tincture called “D1” is obtained in the homeopathy. Part of this tincture is mixed with the alcohol grade 9, agitated thoroughly, and then the tincture D2 is obtained. Part of the tincture D2 is mixed with the alcohol grade 9, agitated thoroughly, and then the tincture D3 is obtained. This procedure may be repeated until D30. D1 is equal to 1/10; D2 is equal to 1/100; is equal to D3=1/1000; and so on. Agitation procedure is critical, because molecules should be distributed evenly in the alcohol. Very special agitation devices are available from tincture companies and the agitation procedure takes 2 to 3 weeks.
For example, 1 g Aconite (Monkshood) is planed and then put into a bottle, and 9 ml 38 to 70% ethanol (Alcohol) is added into it and stored in a place not subject to direct sunlight. The material in the bottle is agitated every two days, filtered 4 to 6 weeks later and the tincture called “Aconitum D1" is obtained in homeopathy. This is very toxic and may never be used. 1 ml of this is taken, and mixed and agitated with 9 ml ethanol. (Agitation is conducted by special devices at the plants, and thus molecules are distributed evenly.) This tincture is called “Aconitum D2” in homeopathy. If 1 ml of this is taken, and mixed and agitated with 9 ml ethanol, the tincture with D3 dosage. It is not suitable to use the following tinctures from Aconitumum D4.
Since it is much more difficult to conduct anamnesis of the patient and to find an appropriate tincture, some drug companies have prepared any complex drugs from most commonly used and efficient drugs against some diseases. These complex drugs are also called “potions.”
Drug selection:
According to position of the patient and the fact that such disease is chronic or acute, different tincture (dilution) or globulin (in spherical pills) is given. A high dosage of dilution drop obtained by diluting the tincture (dilution by attenuating by alcohol) or different ratios of globulin obtained with lactose is applied to the patient. Homeopathic dilution or globules should never be taken with by ether oil, tea, coffee or fruit juice. Homeopathic drugs should be taken with fresh water.
First deterioration:
If a short-term deterioration occurs temporarily in general condition of the patient after Dilution (dropping) or globulin (pill) is taken, this is not a threatening event. Temporary deterioration of the patient shows that his/her immune system struggles against any disruptive factors (microbes) in the body.
Healing process:
Healing in homeopathy means a healing in the whole body. While local therapy is applied to a sick organ in orthodox medicine, it is aimed here at healing the body not only locally, but also completely. Therefore, the healing means recovering someone’s heath completely.