Massage Therapy
MASSAGE is a combination manipulations, which cause highest anatomic, physiological and functional effect in depth by systematic and certain mechanical energy applied on surface of the organism for rehabilitation, that is recovery of a patient or a tired organ, that is, a combination of manipulations.
First human being scours off his painfull area and applies a massafe since he understand that his pain passes off.
Meanwhile, after it is understood that the message has a disease healing effect on diseases such as rheumatism as we believe to exist upon existence of the human being by active and passive interventions attenuating any pains, it has a further value.
In diseases especially in joint rheumatism, etc., physicians, orthopedists and surgeons accept that the message has a positive effect on all medicamentous and surgical interventions. Denial of any positive and local effect of the message especially on muscular artrophies is accepted as an unacceptable event. Furthermore, it is easy to state this effect and its result scientifically.