According to RTM, the purpose of the therapy is to activate the therapy mechanism of the body. As known, the body uses two systems in therapy:
The body, which never activates first mechanism, suppresses the diseases by second mechanism and the covered diseases accumulate on the body. Eventually, it may experience all of these chronic diseases that it never forgets and covers. But, in the infrastructure, there may be chronic toxicity, liver failure, and dysfunction of kidney and adrenal glands.
Here, the purpose of the RTM is recall the body any diseases that the body already forgot and suppressed and that cause any sense changes in the DNA and to support elimination of the problem. Thus the therapy is called
“Remember Regeneration Therapy Method.”
RTM includes the energy body, energy canals and exterior body in the therapy, while it orientates this therapy as a whole.
RTM therapy consists of two division:
First group of the herbal applications includes the target energy body and energy canals. However, they have any effects on our exterios body.
Second group of the herbal applications includes any disorders in the target exterior body. However, they have any effects on the energy canals and energy body.
Since, with remember group of the herbal applications, any diseases are also recalled, our body suffers former diseases again. This process takes three days to three months depending on intensity and coverage area of the diseases in the body. We need to shorten this process and to activate the herbal application in the regeneration group for purpose of supporting the regeneration process of the body. First group of application shows a disease therapy schedule, while second group of application supports this schedule and play an important role in eliminating any physical diseases.