Magneto Therapy
The magneto therapy is a physical therapy method which is based on magnetic field interaction as a natural and sensitive therapy method, and in other word, is non-interferential. This natural method is used simultaneously and successfully for treating most diseases. The facts that the therapy has a wide application area and easy accessibility and has no adverse effects render the magneto therapy greatly significant.
As a result of the effect mechanisms, the magneto therapy incentives daily vitality, performance increase in sexual activities, increase in physical activities, increase in intellectual capacity, elimination of amnesia and provision of sleep order and enables the human body to a top biorhythm.
Hot Mango
Hot Mango is a physical therapy method which is based on magnetic field interaction as a natural and sensitive therapy method, and in other word, is non-interferential. This natural method is used simultaneously and successfully for treating most diseases. The facts that the therapy has a wide application area and easy accessibility and has no adverse effects render the magneto therapy greatly significant.
As a result of the effect mechanisms, Hot Mango incentives daily vitality, performance increase in sexual activities, increase in physical activities, increase in intellectual capacity, elimination of amnesia and provision of sleep order and enables the human body to a top biorhythm.